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2 Week Package + Email Support

Typically for ages 4 months - 2 years.

350 US dollars

Service Description

Upon completing this purchase, you will be emailed a link to an intake form. You can also find the intake form on my website, under "Intake Forms." The intake form must be filled out at least 24 hours before our scheduled call. Otherwise, we'll need to adjust the date or time of your scheduled call. This package includes: - A 60 minute consultation phone call call where we'll discuss your little one's sleep struggles and goals in detail. - A personalized sleep plan, custom-made for your little one. This is sent as a PDF so you have access to it forever. - 2 weeks of daily email correspondence with me. - 2 weeks of daily sleep log support. I'll monitor it daily and leave notes as needed! - 2 phone calls (up to 25 minutes each) during the 2 weeks. - A 30-45 minute wrap-up call, once sleep training is complete. - Tips for sickness, travel, future nap transitions, and more! Sent to you as a PDF after our wrap-up call, so you can access it forever. **No refunds issued once the 60 minute consultation call takes place.

Cancellation Policy

I understand that life with kids is unpredictable and same-day cancellations may be needed. Please cancel at least 3 hours in advance. Contact me at for extenuating circumstances.

Contact Details

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