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Frequently Asked Questions
I am passionate about helping families. I also believe that success is most often achieved when we're a compatible team. Please see below for questions and answers that will provide more insight into my approach.
I want you to find the best consultant for you and your child. And I would love for that person to be me! But I know that my style is not for everyone.
Where did you get your education and certification?I am a certified sleep consultant through the Family Sleep Institute. This thorough education equipped me to provide a holistic approach to sleep training. I do not impose a specific plan on you. Rather, I work with each parent/child dynamic to provide a customized plan designed to fit each family’s values and needs.
What do you offer that I cannot find on the internet for free?It’s true, there is a wealth of information on the internet that you can access for free. There are many books on the subject of sleep training. And there are multiple studies conducted on sleep training infants/children, as well as the impact of consolidated sleep on childhood development. However, there are so many conflicting viewpoints online that weeding through articles can make your head spin. Many methods are shame-based and almost guilt you into using their method. Sadly, many methods are not based on any well-conducted research. Additionally, research on infant/adolescent sleep can be difficult to access or challenging to digest. Above all else, there is a lot of misinformation or inaccurately cited information peddled on the internet (and even in books). I am trained in multiple sleep training approaches and have read and researched the topic extensively. If you select my sleep plan packages, I will provide a personalized sleep plan customized to best meet your needs (as the parent) and your child’s needs. All of my sleep plans and sleep recommendations are based on accredited research. I will also provide a comprehensive overview (and perhaps overhaul) of your daily schedule, bedtime routine, and safe sleep practices. Perhaps most importantly, I will not ask you to read any articles or books.
Are you a good fit for me?The short answer: maybe! The long answer: I am a great fit for families that are committed to changing their behavior and who believe in their child’s ability to finally sleep independently. I offer detailed, and attentive support in each of my sleep training packages. I do not offer quick fixes, guaranteed timelines, or cookie cutter sleep plans written before we meet. Every sleep plan is tailored to each parent and child dynamic. Key aspects of my approach include a flexible bedtime, a consistent wakeup time that includes starting the day by 7 AM, and providing a sleeping environment conducive to sleep. If that doesn’t appeal to you, then we probably won’t be successful working together as a team. Another important part to note is that I do allow for crying in my regular sleep plan options (excluding my newborn package). To provide packages within a reasonable price point, the majority of my sleep plans are designed to most likely achieve success within 2-3 weeks. Methods that aim to diminish crying as much as possible during sleep training often take 4+ weeks to work. I offer these on a case-by-case basis. Please email or schedule a free call to discuss this option! I am as invested and dedicated as my clients allow. But I do not work harder than my clients. If you do not fill out the sleep log, send or respond to my emails, or use your scheduled call, I will not badger you. But if you communicate with me, I will provide you with my absolute best level of support. Please be aware that I do not offer refunds once we’ve had the consultation call, regardless of whether you use the sleep plan I provide or not.
Will you make my baby cry it out?The short answer: No! I only provide sleep plans that parents are comfortable enforcing. The long answer: I provide sleep plans using a variety of sleep training methods. And if the parents want it, I do offer the option of sleep training using extinction (commonly referred to as cry it out). Cry it out is a phrase that’s become weaponized and that I avoid using. So let’s unpack what I mean by “extinction.” I will not ask you to simply place your child in their crib or bed and then leave them until the designated time. Rather, I will provide a comprehensive plan for their entire day, review biologically appropriate sleep schedules, help you create a loving bedtime routine, and discuss appropriate times to intervene during sleep training versus when to allow your child space to sleep. If you do not want to use extinction, you do not have to! I offer other sleep training options. But please keep in mind that there is no such thing as a no-cry sleep solution (regardless of how involved you want to be in teaching your child independent sleep skills). Please note I will never instruct you to leave your newborn to cry. My newborn package will walk you through laying a foundation of healthy sleep skills but does not include formal sleep training.
How do you define "sleeping through the night"?The phrase "sleeping through the night" is technically defined as at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. But when I use the phrase "sleeping through the night" in reference to your baby or child, I mean a consolidated 10-12 hours of sleep with no interruption (unless we have a scheduled night feeding included in your plan).
Do I have to wean night feedings to sleep train?Absolutely not! Whether due to a pediatrician’s recommendation or to a parent’s own discretion, we can build night feedings into your sleep plan without them derailing your child’s independent sleep skills. If you want to wean night feedings, please get prior approval from your pediatrician if your child is under 8 months of age or has had any weight gain/growth concerns. If you are approved to wean your baby off of all night feedings but still want to build one into your plan, I will help you do that. Please keep in mind though that many babies will naturally drop their night feedings during sleep training.
Do you provide sleep training options for bed sharing families?No. Bed sharing is not a safe sleep practice, as stated by the AAP. However, I am more than happy to help families who currently bed share but want to transition their child into their own crib or bed. I also provide sleep training plans for families that room share (sometimes referred to as co-sleeping) but do not bed share.
My pediatrician, lactation consultant, OB, etc. recommended something that contradicts your plan. Who do I listen to?The content on my site, provided during calls, texts, or emails, or written into a sleep plan is for informational or educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. For example, if your pediatrician wants you to keep a certain number of nighttime feedings even when sleep training, then we will keep those feedings. However, please keep in mind that other consultants (like a lactation consultant) who have not been certified in sleep training may not be giving you the most up-to-date information. If your OB or pediatrician is offering their opinions on infant/child sleep, but not giving you direct medical advice, let's discuss to ensure there are no misunderstandings. Please be aware that if you change any aspect of your sleep plan without consulting with me first, I may not be able to provide you with support.
Will I be stuck with a strict schedule for the rest of my little one's life?During my 2 and 3 week sleep training packages, I do ask that parents clear their schedules for those 2-3 weeks to completely prioritize their child's sleep (though there are of course the unavoidable disruptions that we sometimes have to work around). Usually, the infants and children I work with are accustomed to certain sleep habits and associations that need adjusting; hence the need to focus on their sleep completely for the duration of sleep training. That being said, the great news is that once your child establishes independent sleep skills you will find that they can be more flexible! Perhaps you need to stay out late one night for a wedding, a holiday, or other important event. Your little one will bounce back sooner because they are already a great sleeper. Travel, sickness, and other major disruptions to their schedule will also be less stressful. Please keep in mind that if you slip back into old habits day-after-day, your little one may return to their previous sleep behaviors. That is why I educate you along the way. I want you to be empowered to make the best decisions for your child's sleep needs even when our time working together comes to an end.
Will you refund me if it doesn't work as expected or if I'm unhappy with the results?Because I put in a large amount of work and time on the consultation calls and creating personalized sleep plans for my clients, I do not offer refunds. Additionally, there are many factors outside of my control once I provide the plan. For example, you may decide not to follow the plan, or change tactics without consulting me, or you may decide not to utilize my support options for the duration of the training (remember, I do not work harder than my parents while sleep training). That being said, please contact me as soon as possible if you are unhappy. I will do my best to work with you!
I noticed I can upgrade packages for text support. Do you respond in real-time to texts?My Premium and In-home packages do include text support for the duration of the package. This is an added layer of support and allows you quick and easy access to me. However, please be aware that I will respond to texts: During normal business hours only (8 AM - 6 PM Mountain Time) Within 1-3 hours of receiving your text None of my packages include real-time, on-demand support. I do not respond to questions in the late evening or middle of the night. My detailed sleep plans will equip you with the knowledge you need for the nighttime. ***I am not responsible for any costs incurred by texting me. Please contact your phone service provider if you have any questions or concerns about message or data rates.
Do you charge more for twins/multiples?Not usually. I can only imagine how expensive it is to raise multiples. As long as you proceed with the same sleep plan for the twins/multiples (minor adjustments allowed), I will not charge you more. If I have to provide two or more customized plans, I will charge an additional fee.
What do I need to have on hand before sleep training?Though not required, I highly recommend the following items when sleep training. If room sharing: · Divider, curtain, SlumberPod, or other item to create a private space for your child within your bedroom · Crib/separate sleeping space for your child - I do not provide sleep plans that incorporate bedsharing Children 0-2 years old (or children still in a crib): · Sound machine · Crib · Firm mattress and fitted sheets · Blackout curtains/window coverings · Video monitor (or at least a sound monitor) · Sleep sack Children 3+ years old · Sound machine · Crib or bed · Gate · Or a childproof covering for door handle · Blackout curtains/window coverings · Video monitor (or at least a sound monitor)
Are there times to avoid sleep training?Yes! There are certain situations in which I will delay or pause sleep training. For example: · If you’re about to introduce solids. · If you’re about to switch from breastmilk to formula (or changing brands). · If your child is sick. · If you have a vacation planned during the sleep training period. · If you have overnight visitors coming to stay (it can be hard to stick to a sleep plan if you have overnight guests that you do not want to inconvenience). · If mom or dad has an untreated mental health condition (specifically PPD or PPA). · If your child mouth breathes or snores (see the question below for additional guidance for this situation).
What does "corrected/adjusted age" mean and why does it matter?The terms corrected age, or adjusted age, refer to a baby's age based on their due date (if born earlier than 37 weeks gestation). For example, a 1-year-old who was born 3 months early would have a corrected age of 9 months. When sleep training, I provide sleep plans for infants who are 4 months of age (corrected/adjusted) or older. If they are 4 months old but born two months early, their sleep patterns are still only developed like that of a 2 month old baby. Thus, sleep training would be ineffective.
My child currently mouth breathes/snores. Am I still eligible for sleep training?Unfortunately, no. I recommend reaching out to your pediatrician or perhaps a pediatric ENT for additional assistance. If the underlying medical issue is resolved, then with your doctor's approval we can proceed with sleep training.
Do you provide breastfeeding or bottle feeding support?I am certified in sleep training and consulting. If you have questions or need support with feeding your child, please reach out to your pediatrician or a certified lactation consultant.
Do you babyproof or childproof rooms/homes?I am certified in sleep training and consulting. I am not certified in childproofing. While I will provide general guidelines for safe sleep practices, I cannot childproof the room/home.

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